Eye Effects in Calgary & Didsbury
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Why Should I Buy Glasses From My Optometrist?

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A woman is getting a new pair of eye glasses from her optometrist.

When it comes to purchasing eyewear, you might be tempted by the convenience and affordability of online retailers or big-box stores. However, there are compelling reasons why buying glasses from your optometrist is a smarter choice. Here, we explore why opting for your optometrist’s expertise can make all the difference in your vision and overall eye health.

Expert Guidance and Personalized Service

Comprehensive Eye Exams

Your optometrist isn’t just selling you a pair of glasses; they are providing a comprehensive eye examination to ensure your prescription is accurate. During this thorough evaluation, the optometrist assesses various aspects of your eye health, including visual acuity, eye coordination, and overall eye health.

This detailed assessment can detect eye conditions like glaucoma, macular degeneration, and cataracts that an online test or a generic store visit may miss. Regular comprehensive eye exams are crucial for maintaining optimal eye health and ensuring any underlying issues are addressed promptly.

Tailored Recommendations

Optometrists provide personalized recommendations based on your specific needs, lifestyle, and facial features. They take into account factors such as the shape and size of your face, your daily activities, and any specific visual requirements you might have. 

Whether you require lenses for reading, driving, working at a computer, or engaging in sports, your optometrist can guide you to the best options. They can also offer advice on the latest lens technologies and frame styles to ensure both functionality and comfort.

Superior Quality and Precision

High-Quality Lenses and Frames

Optometrists typically offer higher-quality lenses and frames compared to mass-market retailers. These premium materials ensure better durability, comfort, and visual clarity, making your investment in eyewear worthwhile. Additionally, optometrists can provide customized solutions tailored to your specific needs, whether you require lenses with special coatings, such as anti-reflective or blue light blocking, or frames that fit your lifestyle and aesthetic preferences.

Accurate Measurements

Getting the correct measurements is crucial for optimal vision correction. Your optometrist will take precise measurements of your pupillary distance (PD), lens thickness, and frame fit to ensure your glasses provide the best possible vision. They will also assess other factors like the curvature of your cornea and the distance between your eyes and lenses, which can significantly impact the effectiveness of your prescription. This attention to detail helps in delivering a personalized eyewear experience that maximizes comfort and visual acuity.

a variety of different glasses frames are organized row by row on a white background.

Ongoing Care and Support

Access to Advanced TechnologyAdjustments and Repairs

One of the significant advantages of buying glasses from your optometrist is the ability to have them adjusted and repaired as needed. Ill-fitting glasses can cause discomfort and even headaches, but your optometrist can make necessary adjustments for a perfect fit. 

This personalized service ensures that your glasses not only enhance your vision but also provide maximum comfort throughout the day. Whether it’s tightening loose screws, adjusting the nose pads, or realigning the arms, your optometrist’s expertise guarantees that your glasses feel just right.

Follow-Up Appointments

Your eye health doesn’t stop once you’ve purchased your glasses. Your optometrist offers follow-up appointments to monitor your vision and make any necessary changes to your prescription. This ongoing care ensures your eyes remain healthy and your vision stays sharp. During these follow-up visits, your optometrist can also check for any signs of eye strain or other issues that may arise from prolonged use of your glasses. 

Regular check-ins allow for timely adjustments and updates to your prescription, ensuring that you always have the clearest vision possible. Additionally, your optometrist can provide valuable advice on eye care and maintenance, helping you protect your vision in the long term.

Cutting-Edge Lens Options

Optometrists have access to the latest advancements in lens technology, such as anti-reflective coatings, blue light filters, and progressive lenses. These innovations can significantly enhance your visual experience by reducing glare, minimizing eye strain, and providing a seamless transition between different focal lengths. Moreover, these advanced lenses can protect your eyes from harmful blue light emitted by digital screens, which is especially important in today’s tech-centric world.


With the sophisticated equipment available at your optometrist’s office, you can customize your lenses to meet your precise needs, whether you require specific prescriptions for different activities or adjustments for unique eye conditions. This level of personalization ensures optimal comfort and clarity, enhancing your overall vision health. 

Such a tailored approach is often not available through online or big-box retailers, where options tend to be more generic and less adaptable to individual requirements. Choosing an optometrist for your eyewear needs ensures that you receive the highest quality care and the best possible vision solutions.

Supporting Local Businesses

Community Investment

Buying from your local optometrist supports your community and helps maintain local jobs. It strengthens the local economy and ensures that small businesses thrive. Additionally, it fosters a relationship with a healthcare professional who understands your unique needs and preferences, offering a personalized touch that large chain stores often lack.

Trust and Reliability

When you purchase eyewear from your optometrist, you’re buying from someone you trust. This relationship ensures you receive reliable, accurate, and high-quality service that prioritizes your eye health. Your optometrist has a vested interest in your well-being and is committed to providing ongoing care and support, which includes regular check-ups, adjustments, and updates to your prescription as needed.

Visit Us for Quality Eye Care 

Choosing to buy glasses from your optometrist over other retailers offers numerous benefits, from expert guidance and high-quality products to ongoing care and community support. The personalized service and professional expertise your optometrist provides are invaluable in ensuring your vision remains clear and your eyes stay healthy.So, are you ready to experience the difference? Book an appointment with Eye Effects in Calgary, AB today and invest in eyewear that truly meets your needs.

Written by Dr. Jeffrey Waddell

Dr. Jeffrey Waddell is a graduate of the University of Alberta and the Pacific University College of Optometry. He has practiced optometry since 2002. He has practiced optometry all over the United States and Canada, and in Calgary since 2013. Dr. Waddell enjoys spending time in the great outdoors with his wife Alanna, and three children and two dogs. Dr. Waddell has a special interest in pediatrics, dry eye treatment, contact lenses and eye nutrition.
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